Friday, January 6, 2012

Extra Credit

For the extra credit, I chose to respond to the quote: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom” by George Washington Carver. This quote means many things to me. I agree with this quote for many reasons. It mostly means that education gives us knowledge that we can use throughout our lives. If someone is educated, then they will feel more confident about things by using the education that he or she has been given. If someone is not that educated, the person might be more hesitant to do daily things. Also, without education, you will not be able to pursue the careers or basic things that you would like to do. Education is sort of like freedom. Like the quote says, education is the key to unlock that door of freedom that everyone would like. Another thing that this quote could mean, is that others could judge you by the type of education that you have or had. This quote could also mean something specifically to the person who said it, who was George Washington Carver.

Below are more George Washington Carver quotes:


Procedure for separating a mixture.

1.     Take out the toothpicks from the mixture with your fingers, put it aside.
2.     Line the funnel with filter paper, put mixture and the funnel in the beaker.
3.     Pour mixture into funnel to extract or separate water from the rest of the mixture.
4.     Take out the filter paper from the funnel, Use magnet to extract iron fillings from the dirt.
5.     Boil the beaker with water on it on a hot plate. Turn on the hot plate, leave it there until water starts to boil and water has evaporated and salt is left.
6.     Clean up.

The seven items in the mixture were: water, salt, dirt, beans, iron fillings, marble rock, and tooth