Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog 6: Square seeks to replace cash register with revamped app

My sixth blog entry is about how a new app can possibly replace cash registers. According to the article, once you have signed up for this system, you don't need to carry a credit card. It can only work at the retailers who use this. Since the store has to use this system, the company is now encouraging stores to use this system. In my opinion, I think that this is a very good idea. The inventor of this system said, "We want to make paying with your credit card even more magical," he said. "We want to take away all of this clutter, all of the paper, all of the mess." I believe that if a lot of stores and companies use this kind of system, it could save some people a lot of time. 

Here is the link to the article:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blog 5: In a Changing Antarctica, Some Penguins Thrive as Others Suffer

For my 5th blog entry, I chose to write about penguins and how the new weather in Antarctica is affecting many of them. They say in the article that one of the reasons the penguins are getting affected is because of global warming. Since the weather in Antarctica is warming up, the penguins cannot survive in the area. Another statistic in the article says: “The mean winter air temperature of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, one of the most rapidly warming areas on the planet, has risen 10.8 degrees Fahrenheit in the past half-century…” If this is true, the penguins may not last much longer. Another thing is that the warmer weather in this area affects the food chains too. That means that the penguins are running out of resources and the necessities to live.

Here is the link to the article: