Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog 3: Antibiotics

The article that I read for my third blog entry was about how a recent study shows how antibiotics can help speed up recovery from ear infections. But if the child takes those antibiotics, they can come with many side effects. Some of these side effects include diarrhea, rashes, yeast infections and vomiting. Since there are side effects like these, careful selection of antibiotics is necessary. According to many studies, ear infections are the most diagnosed sickness that children could get. In some studies it stated that children who take real drugs have much more side effects. I think that if a child really needs the antibiotics because it is really bothering them they should take it. They should also take it as soon as possible because in the article it said that it is not good to be waiting to give the child the antibiotics. But also if the child does not need it, he or she should not take antibiotics because of all of the severe side effects.

Here is the link to the article:

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