Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lab Report: States of Matter

In science class, we did multiple labs to understand the states of matter. In one of the labs we did, we observed what changes would take place when we burned sugar. We had to change the sugar cubes physically to get it inside the test tubes, and then we had to change it chemically when we used a Bunsen burner to burn the sugar cubes. In another lab we had done, we saw the physical and chemical changes when we burnt a marshmallow. It changed because when we burnt the marshmallow, the inside of it had turned into liquid. With these labs, I understand the concept of the states of matter a little bit better. I also learned more about physical and chemical changes. I can relate the things that we had done in class to future situations. Some skills I have learned while taking place in these labs is identifying the difference from a physical change to a chemical change.

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